
We all love to be pampered and get a professional manicure, but when it's not in the budget you can still get the desired outcome at home for a fraction of the cost.
I found this online and thought I would share. Thanks to ODELA.

Allow yourself about an hour of time and assemble everything you need before you begin:
  • clean hand towel
  • cuticle cutter
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • cotton
  • polish remover
  • bowl of soapy water
  • emery board
  • cuticle oil
  • orange sticks - sometimes called cuticle sticks
  • nail polish
  • top-coat sealer
Step 1: Clean off old polish with cotton pad soaked in polish remover. Take care not to push the old polish into the cuticle by starting from the base of the nail and working down to the tip.
Step 2: Be sure your nails are dry before you file them. Begin at the side with the emery board and sweep to the center. Never use a “saw-like” motion, and don’t round off the nails too much for that can cause them to break easily. The longer you want your nails, the more “square” they should be. But always take the “square” off the corners.
Step 3: Soak your fingers in warm soapy water for 2 to 3 minutes to help clean the nails and soften the cuticles. Clean your nails with the orange stick dipped in hydrogen peroxide.
Step 4: Apply cuticle remover or oil to your cuticles. Wrap a tiny piece of cotton around the tip of the orange stick and gently work it around each nail to loosen the cuticle. This is also the time to clip away any loose cuticle. Do this gently or you may hurt yourself or cause hangnails.
Step 5: Apply a base coat. (this could be the time to applyOleda® Nail Bed Healer.) This semi-transparent “polish” puts a smooth protective layer on the nail and is especially helpful for brittle and weak nails. Use strong brush strokes from the base of the nail to the tip.
Step 6: After the base coat is dry, apply your polish. (Of course, it can be clear). Thin it down if necessary with polish remover. This is one of the secrets for professional-looking nails.
Wait until each coat of polish dries before applying the next (if it’s thin polish, it won’t take long). In applying polish, brush the color across the base of your nail first, keeping clear of the cuticle, then make two strokes along the edges of your nail from base to tip. Finally, fill in the middle with one strong stroke from the base to the tip. Never go back over wet polish or you will get ridges. If you smudge a nail, apply a little polish remover on the smudged part while the nail is still wet, then smooth it over ever so lightly with the nail polish brush.
Step 7: Apply top-coat sealer. (Or, if you are using Oleda® Hard Hard Nails.this is the time to apply it.) Sealers prolong the wear of your polish, delay chipping and make your nails thicker and stronger. Let nails dry for twenty minutes.

We all love to be pampered, but with the economy in the shape it is in let's face it.... We can't always afford it. I have come across some super cheap ways to still get the same desired results.

Instant Oatmeal original flavor can be used for a facial. Leave on for 5-10 minutes and it will help to soothe and hydrate skin.
You can also use baking soda. 3 parts baking soda and 1 part water, massage gently into skin with a circular motion. This will give you smoother skin.
Chap Stick can be used for more than just chapped lips. Rub it on dry elbows, cuticles, or any other rough patches of skin to moisturizing. You can use it to erase mascara smudges, tame your eye brows, and fly a ways, and even help coax a stubborn ring off a swollen finger.
Expired sunscreen can be used as a shaving lotion
I have also used left over conditioner to shave with.
Clear mascara can be used to tame fly a ways instead of using hair spray. (My wonderful sister in laws taught me this on my wedding day)
If you are having trouble with static cling try rubbing a metal coat hanger or a dryer sheet on your clothes to absorb the static cling.

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